Top Reasons Why Fall Is The Best Time To Be Outdoors

06:51 Steampunk 0 Comments


noun: equinox; plural noun: equinoxes

  1. the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length (about September 22 and March 20).
  • another term for equinoctial point.

Today marks the Autumnal Equinox. We could get scientific and explain exactly what is going on celestially, but we’d rather talk about what this means for us explorer types. Plus, we really aren’t the experts on the celestial world. We’re dog people!

Top Reasons Why Fall Is The Best Time To Be Outdoors

The Autumnal Equinox is officially the kick off to fall. Even for many who aren’t quite ready for winter’s chill, fall is thought of as the best time to be in the outdoors. Not only are the temps cooler, the bugs at bay and the high elevations free from snow (though not for long), nature captivates us with one of the greatest shows on earth. From the first yellow leaves in the yard, to complete mountainsides radiating red and yellow tones, fall is a spectacular time to plan a hike or backpacking trip.

Here are a few reasons why fall is our favorite season for outdoor play:

  • Cooler temps! This one is obvious, but it really is a treat to hike, bike, run, climb and play in cool weather.
  • Say goodbye to dusty trails. Fall rains and moisture equal tacky hero dirt.
  • There is nothing like sleeping in a toasty sleeping bag through a crisp fall night. Just don’t try to wake us up early. We’re sleeping in.
  • Fewer crowds. Sometimes, it is nice to be alone in the woods.
  • Fewer bugs!
  • Leash laws lifted – For some of our local trails in Bend, OR, the leash laws are only in effect during the peak summer season. Go dog go!
  • Views – the visibility on a clear, crisp day cannot be matched.
  • We’ve already mentioned it, but the changing of leaves is truly one of the greatest shows on earth.

What other reasons do you have to celebrate the coming of fall?

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