The Allegheny Reservoir Cleanup is this Saturday

16:54 Steampunk 0 Comments

Volunteers are needed for the Twelfth Annual Allegheny Resrvoir Cleanup on Saturday, May 14. The Allegheny National Forest and partners are seeking help with the cleanup of the Allegheny Reservoir shoreline. This year’s cleanup will focus primarily on cleaning up the reservoir’s northern shoreline.

Volunteers have donated more than 5,800 hours and picked up more than 206 cubic yards of trash over the years. Everything from television sets to 55 gallon drums have been removed from the reservoir’s shoreline. Many of the items found are recyclable. Over 700 tires have been found during cleanup events.

“Our reservoir cleanup days would not be successful without all the hard work of our many dedicated volunteers,” said Nathan Welker, Allegheny National Forest fisheries biologist and an event organizer. ““Thanks to our volunteers, the reservoir is a much safer and cleaner place than when we began 12 years ago,” He adds.

Meet at Onoville Marina at 8:00 am (just like last year) where everyone will sign-in and be given supplies (trash bags and gloves) prior to being taken to a designated spot on the reservoir.

Volunteers should bring:

Release Agreement– You can download it here . Once you’ve downloaded it, you will need to print it out, complete it, and bring it with you.

Rain Gear-The cleanup will be completed rain or shine.

Layered Clothing– Individuals should come prepared for a range of weather conditions, which can change rapidly in mid-May in northwestern Pennsylvania.

Food and Water-Individuals are responsible for bringing their own lunch and a snack.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering can visit or send an e-mail to for more information.

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