Snow Blankets NWPA

18:28 Steampunk 0 Comments

I spent the morning enjoying the blanket of snow that fell across the area. While still hunting a creek bottom, I happened across a great blue heron, also braving the conditions and on the hunt. The large bird took flight not far from where I turned the corner along the creek bottom. I hoped a similar situation would arise, but instead of a heron, I was hoping to find a bedded deer. Maybe I would have a chance at a shot as the animal got onto its feet. Soon after, I stopped to admire a few dozen tundra swans flying overhead. These birds sounded like a bunch of warriors on a mission. They were all white as compared to the black necked and grey feathered Canada geese I am used to seeing.

Snow Blankets NWPA

Snow that had accumulated on tree limbs fell all around. If I could only  find a  fresh deer trail. Finally, a creek crossing leading into the hemlocks. Along the trail, I found a lone large depression in the foot deep snow close to a known bedding area. The deer had spent some time there recently, but had moved on, possibly hearing the crunch of snow under my feet. A crab apple orchard nearby harbored some beautiful wildlife. A few cardinals and black capped chickadees flew from tree to tree. The stark contrast of the bright red cardinal was brilliant against the pure white snow. It reminded me of a pileated woodpecker I had seen earlier in the week from my treestand. Of all the creatures I had seen this archery season: bluejays, a red-tailed hawk, a fisher, red fox, countless deer, and many other birds and mammals, the pileated woodpecker was the most intriguing.

Don’t let the snow deter you from enjoying the outdoors. I welcomed the snow like an old friend. Enjoying the crisp fresh air every step of the way.

Snow Blankets NWPA

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