Round gobies confirmed in Lake LeBoeuf

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania Fish Commission released a report that a fisheries biologist has confirmed the presence of round gobies in Lake LeBoeuf in Erie County. It is believed the invasive fish species may have been dumped from an angler’s bait bucket. These fish have the potential to make it into French Creek and damage native species populations. Round gobies eat mollusks and young fish. With many rare and protected species occurring in French Creek, this issue is a major concern. It is asked that any of these fish caught from waters other than Lake LeBoeuf, or the Gravel Pits be killed immediately, frozen, and to contact the PFBC. Any of these fish caught in waters previously found to contain round gobies should be disposed of in the trash.
To report a round goby catch, please call the PFBC at 814-474-1515.

To access the PFBC’s report go to :

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