Puebla: The Birthplace Of Mexican Gastronomy

20:17 Steampunk 0 Comments

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Puebla is a culturally rich city in Mexico with lots of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Talavera ceramics , archaeological sites , handicraft markets, beautiful churches and museums. What really stands out in Puebla, however, is its gastronomic culture. Many traditional Mexican dishes were born here, such as Mole Poblano, a chili and chocolate sauce, Chalupas, a fried tortilla with shredded meat and salsa, Cemitas, chalupa sandwiches and the national dish, Chiles en Nogada, stuffed chilies topped with walnut cream sauce.

As a whole, Mexican was the first type of food to be named a UNESCO World Heritage Cuisine. However, certain cities are better than others for experiencing this culinary culture – and one of those cities is Puebla. With an array of unique and colorful restaurants, cooking classes and street food, you will never go hungry in this city.

For a more visual idea of this delicious, unique cuisine, check out the gallery slideshow above.

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