Photo Journal: Beautiful Beaches In Colombia’s Tayrona National Park

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Photo Journal: Beautiful Beaches In Colombia’s Tayrona National Park

Tayrona National Park, exploring the beaches. Photo courtesy of Jessica Festa.

This photo was taken at Cabo San Lucas in Tayrona National Park. Camping on the beach here was one of my absolute favorite experiences, for many different reasons. Not only did I enjoy jungle hikes, Caribbean Sea swimming and visiting a native village — this part was home to the indigenous Tayrona people before the Spanish Conquest — but lounging in a hammock overlooking the water helped me to do something I’ve never been able to before: relax. The social scene at Cabo San Lucas is also a treat, with hammock neighbors saying hello, strangers sharing snorkel masks and new friends made over beers at the bar and midnight swims. It’s an experience I highly recommend for anyone visiting Colombia.

Click here to read the full guide on how to visit Tayrona National Park in Colombia.

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