Mysteries of the Great Lakes and the sturgeon

21:21 Steampunk 0 Comments

The Tom Ridge Environmental Center is showing the film Mysteries of the Great Lakes daily at 2pm. This epic film takes viewers for a ride through the history of the Great Lakes and culminates with current conservation efforts involving the sturgeon. These fish, once present in great numbers, have been brought back from the brink of extinction.  Sturgeon are fascinating creatures and proof that  efforts are working for conservationists. The film begins with the Gordon Lightfoot song “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” playing while viewers are directed over the roaring waters of Niagara Falls. After viewing the film, visitors may want to check out the live sturgeon on display at the TREC. Ask a guide at the front desk and they may be able to lead you to a glimpse of this majestic creature on display.

The cost of admission to Mysteries of the Great Lakes is $7.50 for adults. Showings are at the Big Green Screen within the TREC daily at 2pm. For more information call the TREC at(814)-833-7424.

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