Fall in New England
The fall has been awesome in New England! We've had a bunch of rain and the temps have been in the 50's. I've paddled a bunch of new rivers in NH and MA this fall. There are so many amazing rivers in New England it's so hard to choose which to paddle when so many are running at the same time. My Diesel 70 has been getting a lot of use!
I also have been doing a lot of flat water training in my slalom boat. I figure instead of running to stay in shape I'll paddle flat water to stay in shape. It's working out pretty well. I haven't been playing much but spent a couple days at 293 Wave in Manchester, NH on the Merrimack River. It's a really fun wave that's steep, fast, and has a nice pile. It's called 293 wave because the wave is just below the 293 highway bridge. The craziest thing happened to me one day while I was paddling there. I'm surfing the wave and hear all kinds of sirens. I look over to the river right shore and see fire trucks, ambulances, and cops. I peel off the wave ferry over and one of the rescue guys are like “are you OK”, I'm like “yeah I'm fine”. He told me someone called 911 and said someone was stuck in the river. It was pretty funny and a little embarrassing.
My new website is up www.elainecampbellkayaking.com It's got a lot of great info on rivers and play spots in New England plus a lot more.
This first video is about the Thousand Islands International Tourism Council and the Black River in NY. I have a clip in it from Rt.3 Wave.
Here's a video of some boating and some 293 Wave photos.
Photos:Jeff Campbell
Happy Holidays,
Elaine Campbell
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