
21:33 Steampunk 0 Comments

I love it here. The people are nice, the food is good ( if you know
what to eat), and the rivers are HUGE. I am still traveling with the
New River Academy and kayaking on the Mekong, Salween and we are about
to hit up the great bend of the Yangtze. The Mekong was huge for the
first day. We had some super big rapids and some huge waves without
eddy service. Since we were located on the border of Tibet we found the
culture to be totally different from the Chinese culture we had
experienced previously. The people are always smiling and there are
prayer flags everywhere.

The next river was the Salween. The Salween is much farther south
and therefore much warmer. The Rapids on this river were huge as well
but also friendly for something this big. The real highlight of the
trip so far were the surfing waves on the Salween. They are gigantic.
15 feet tall and both had eddy service. They offered up some huge air,
I fell in love.

Now I am Back in Lijiang where we base all our trips out of. We are
about to head up to the great bend of the Yangtze. I don’t have very
much time left so I better go but I hope everyone is well and having

Paddle Hard,


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