A Personal Update

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

It’s been a while since I’ve done a personal update! I must apologize for the lack of posts recently…I’m stuck in Regina, SK for a course and it’s not the same when your laptop doesn’t have photoshop =( Anyways, I’ve spent so much time working on the site these past few months that I’ve completely neglected my own wedding planning. I have, however, met with one DJ thus far and will keep you posted on how that works out.

Here’s some things to look forward to in the near future on WO: giveaways, a couple reviews and lots of wedding photography. The giveaways are always a plus, so stay tuned for those! I also just received a package from one of the Wedding Obsession sponsors, Wedding Paper Divas and cannot wait to share my thoughts with you all!

Happy planning & I’ll be back up to speed when I get back home early next week =)

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