Paddling the Fife and a Visit from Tyler

01:37 Steampunk 0 Comments

The community at Zoar has always been one of my favorite parts of working there.  While Zoar staff members often move on and take jobs in other parts of the country, it is always great to reconnect when they come back to visit.  After finding out that Tyler, a long time raft guide and instructor, would be back in the area for a weekend I made plans to head out to the Deerfield to catch up and do some paddling.  Since Tyler was working on Saturday, I made plans to paddle the Fife with my buddy Eric who has been getting into paddling over the past year.  It was a great opportunity to work on his eddy turns, peel outs, ferries, surfing and other river maneuvers.  He had never paddled the Deerfield, so it was a great opportunity to get him out on a new river.  He tried every move I threw at him and had a great time.  By the end of the day he was feeling pretty comfortable in his playboat and paddling really well.  It was a great day and a lot of fun.

After getting off the river, we met up with Tyler and the rest of the staff that had just finished their river trips.  It was great to hang out and catch up with everyone.  We spent a few hours sharing stories of our winters and recent adventures, and future paddling trips that we were planning.  Then on Sunday we played some chip and put before relocating to the Deerfield to enjoy the beautiful weather and spend some time swimming in the river trying to beat the heat.  It was a lot of fun hanging out with Tyler and the rest of the Zoar crew and getting my buddy Eric out on Fifey.

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