Hiking Daley Ranch

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Hiking Daley Ranch

Hiking Daley Ranch

Daley Ranch is a 3,058 acre park comprising most of the landscape north of the city of Escondido. Originally, this land was peopled by the Kumeyaay Indians, who used the area for hunting game and gathering acorns from the abundant oaks throughout the park. As European Settlers accumulated larger portions of land during the middle and late 1800’s, this region fell into the hands of Robert Daley, who established a ranch to which he gradually added more and more property. The city of Escondido purchased the ranch in 1997 and now maintains it as a more or less natural habitat with 25 miles of hiking trails and a few historic buildings for seasoning.

On any given weekend, the park will be full of mountain bikers, hikers, and equestrian enthusiasts seeking to enjoy this rich and varied park. Popular as it is, the park loses little charm from high visitation as its size and scope allow a measure of serenity and solitude to anybody who explores beyond the ranch house. Adding to the park’s accessibility , the Friends of Daley Ranch and the city of Escondido both maintain informative websites that features trail maps (with distances), human history, natural history, and general information.

Hiking Daley Ranch

This comprehensive hike includes most of the landmarks, each of which can serve as the focal point for a smaller, less strenuous hike. While this route includes most of the highlights of Daley Ranch, it does not include Stanley Peak and the Caballo Trail on the east side of the park, which would likely take the total mileage up into the less comfortable 12-14 mile range.  Stanley Peak is a worthwhile hike on its own, and I intend to chronicle that hike separately when the time comes.

Hiking Daley Ranch

Begin at the parking lot at the end of La Honda Road adjacent to Dixon Lake Park and pass through the ornate wrought-iron gate. Immediately, you have the option of continuing on the paved road or turning right onto the Creek Crossing Trail toward the Sage and East Ridge Trails. Take the right and enjoy the emerging views south over Escondido as well as the spicy aromas emanating from abundant white and black sage. This segment comes alive with a host of wildflowers during wet years, although such a display will be scant this Spring following two exceptionally dry winters. Rain or not, April is a fine month to visit as the greater abundance of wildflowers mixed with moderate temperatures bring out the best of Daley Ranch.

Hiking Daley Ranch

Hang a left on the East Ridge Trail and keep left as the trail undulates somewhat severely for half a mile. Ignore the right turn to the Coyote Run Trail, which will take you far off the track. Soon, you’re passing through a handful of man-made ponds created by the Daleys which now present an inviting habitat for birds and frogs. The aforementioned dry winters have left the water level of these ponds pitifully low, but they are still lovely and alive with wildlife.

Hiking Daley Ranch

Now 1.5 to 2 miles in, you will come to a junction with a large ranch house and several smaller buildings. This is the ranch proper, and the city maintains the buildings here as part of Escondido’s historical heritage. This particular building was not the original ranch house but a cottage built in 1925. I’ve never seen the buildings open, and I don’t know whether they give tours. However, there is an information kiosk that provides information regarding the natural history of the park, the usual warnings about rattlesnakes and mountain lions, and a schedule of guided hikes led by rangers and volunteers. These guided hikes provide a good opportunity to gain a more intimate and extensive understanding of the park’s history and ecosystem.

Hiking Daley Ranch

Moving due north, find the trail marker for the Jack Creek Meadow Loop. Both spurs of the loop will get you to where you wish to go, although following the GPS track will lead you off to the spur on the right, which is the more scenic of the two. After quickly passing the junction for the Sage Trail, you will enjoy views west across Jack Creek Meadow, where it’s not uncommon to see deer browsing for choice nosh or coyotes eyeing you shrewdly. Meanwhile, the first specimens of the rare Engelmann oak , once formerly known as the Pasadena oak before urban and suburban development made the name obsolete, begin to appear along more common coast live oaks. Enjoy the gently meandering trail as the meadow and many fine oaks trees compose a peaceful scene.

Hiking Daley Ranch

After reaching the end of the meadow, the trail makes a hard, nearly-180 degree turn to join the other branch of the Jack Creek Meadow Loop. Instead of returning to the ranch house (a nice option for a shorter hike), take a right on the Hidden Spring Trail for a grueling ascent that will surely be exhausting on a hot day.

As a general rule, it’s best to reach this section of the hike either early or later in the afternoon, as there is little joy in a tough ascent at the peak of daylight. Let this also be the first of many times where I advise you to bring more water than you think you’ll need and salty snacks to replenish your electrolytes. Always better to be safe than dehydrated.

Hiking Daley Ranch

Your reward for all of this climbing comes when you reach the Engelmann Oak Loop Trail, which is a highlight of this hike. This loop, which can be taken on its own, features many fine specimens of the aforementioned Engelmann Oak, which is now protected in only a handful of places. The trail levels out, allowing you to stroll casually beneath a park-like spread of old, twisted oaks shading a thick carpet of grasses. Views toward Valley Center and Palomar Mountain open to the northeast, and, on clear days, Mt. Baldy can be seen in the distance.

Hiking Daley Ranch

Two options emerge for completing the Engelmann Oak Loop. The fire road labeled “Engelmann Oak Loop” is satisfying in its own way, but the Bobcat Trail which veers left at a junction marked by a sign and a bench is another highlight that should not be missed. This shallow ravine features a dense woodland of oaks along a usually dry watercourse. All evidence of the outside world disappears, and the gentle downhill grade makes this some of the most enjoyable hiking in the park. The Bobcat Trail re-emerges at the Engelmann Oak Loop, where, slightly discouragingly, it begins another tortuous climb up a sun-blasted slope before re-emerging at a junction with the Cougar Ridge Trail.

Hiking Daley Ranch

Breathe easy knowing that the bulk of the uphill climbs are only a memory. The remainder of the trail undulates occasionally but generally keeps to a ridge overlooking Escondido and, when clear, the ocean to the west. The long stretch on the Cougar Ridge Trail passes through more fine grassy meadows and patches of oak woodland, with occasional bursts of fragrant chaparral. Ignore the rugged and rocky Crest Trail to the left (not scenic) and keep on for another mile before coming to a junction marked by a shaded bench with more views over the east side of the park through which you had been recently strolling. Enjoy some well-earned shade here before tackling the final portion of this loop.

Hiking Daley Ranch

From here, you can go either of two ways along the Boulder Loop. Going left will bring an immediate descent and return to the area near the Ranch House – a shorter route back to the trailhead if you’re feeling fatigued. I recommend taking the right onto the Boulder Loop, though, where you’ll find a lovely “rock garden” featuring the granite boulders so common throughout much of San Diego east of I-15. These boulders were formed due to millions of years of subsurface geologic activity and became exposed through erosion, and they now punctuate the many chaparral-covered peaks in the center of the county. This particular loop features many fine examples.

Hiking Daley Ranch

After a grassy expanse with more good views south over Escondido, the Boulder Loop Trail begins a precipitous descent before connecting with the main Ranch Road just south of the Ranch House. Turn right to return to the lot where you parked. It’s always a bit of a drag finishing a trail on pavement, and this is the main flaw in this particular loop (unless you hate steep climbs). However, your tolerance is soon rewarded as you reach the conclusion of what should be an otherwise satisfying hiking experience.

Hiking Daley Ranch
As I mentioned earlier, it’s possible to break this hike up into a number of smaller hikes focusing on the Boulder Loop, Jack Creek Meadow Loop, the Ponds, Stanley Peak, and the Engelmann Oak Loop. Eventually, I’ll document them separately, but if you’re in the mood for a faster or easier hike, you can build your own route using the info on the Daley Ranch’s web site or Afoot and Afield in San Diego , which presents hikes focused on individual landmarks, such as the Boulder Loop, Jack Creek Meadow, the Ponds, and the Engelmann Oak Loop.

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