Announcing the Winner of the Bowtech RPM 360!

03:13 Steampunk 0 Comments

Announcing the Winner of the Bowtech RPM 360!

What’s that package on your front stoop? That big, rectangular cardboard box? Is that your brand new Bowtech RPM 360, the company’s 2014 flagship , their fastest bow ever, a prize worth a cool grand? Well, let’s find out.

But first, let me just say that you people are damn good. How good? We threw you nothing but curveballs in this contest; most of you are accustomed to rough-scoring whitetails, but we showed you two blacktails and two muleys (one in velvet) instead. And still, six of you guessed within a half inch of the actual total score—and one of you nailed it, right on the nose. Very impressive.

And so, speaking of the actual scores, here they are:

Buck 1 : 149 6/8

Announcing the Winner of the Bowtech RPM 360!

Buck 2 : 133 2/8

Announcing the Winner of the Bowtech RPM 360!

Buck 3 : 161 7/8

Announcing the Winner of the Bowtech RPM 360!

Buck 4 : 173 6/8

Announcing the Winner of the Bowtech RPM 360!

Which gives us a grand total of 618 5/8, which means that big cardboard box containing Bowtech’s latest compound will be on the front stoop of one Kevin Lilley, who guessed the score exactly, to the eighth. Hoytboy, IND_NRA, SK1971, Bbrant06, Centler, who missed winning the big prize by a bow-limb’s thickness, what can I tell you: Ouch! But buck up, we’ll give you another shot soon.

Meanwhile, congrats, Kevin. We will be contacting you soon.


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