5 Amazing Places in the Carribean to Escape Winter

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5 Amazing Places in the Carribean to Escape Winter

Let’s get down to basics. If you live in the northern tier of states or northern Europe, winter can be brutal and long. So we have to ask the question, would you rather deal with this for 4 or 5 months straight?

5 Amazing Places in the Carribean to Escape Winter

Photo by sidewalk flying

Or would you rather go someplace like this,

5 Amazing Places in the Carribean to Escape Winter

We thought you would rather visit a beach in the Carribean.

I was fortunate to have been a pilot for a major airline most of my adult life so I did get to escape the grip of winter on a regular basis. Because I was based in MSP my poor family didn’t get to see the sun as often as I did. Flying to the Carribean was a real treat during the long winter months. The trips were mostly one day long so we did get to sleep in our own bed every night too. We had augmented crews so we didn’t even have to sit in the seat for the whole day either. I enjoyed talking to the passengers about thier vacations. You would get great advice from the people who just visited a destination. You get to hear the good things and the bad. To be honest, there are places I wouldn’t pay to visit after listening to some of the passengers.

Here are 5 places that we think you should consider for your winter escape.

Union Island, the Grenadines

5 Amazing Places in the Carribean to Escape Winter

The Grenadines are located in the southern Carribean just west of Barbados. There are 32 islands that make up the Grenadines. You can get there by air or by cruise ship. Being so far south you are guaranteed warm weather.  Don’t think the weather can be cool in the Carribean? I was in the Bahamas the only time that they had recorded snow flurries. Another time I was flying into Grand Cayman Island and the wind was blowing so hard out of the north that it nearly exceeded the  crosswind limit on the east west runway there. You know a north wind is not warm air blowing in.

Here are some links if you are interested in visiting St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The main tourism site: Tourism Board

Here is a link to cruises that visit St. Vincent. Cruises

Here is a link to a list of airlines that serve St. Vincent: Airlines

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