Taking Pictures with Children

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Trying to get everyone to cooperate for wedding pictures can definitely prove to be challenging, especially when you have little ones on your hands! Keep in mind some of our helpful tips when it comes to managing the unpredictable mind of a child. Often times, they turn out to be some of the most memorable pictures!

  1. Give them a role – Kids also love to have a responsibility. Let them feel important by handing over a special role, that only they can handle!
  2. Give them an activity – This one is great for the toddlers. “Touch your cheeks, touch your nose, hug the bride!”
  3. Give them a prop – It can be the bouquet or bubbles. As long as you are okay with having it in your pictures. It helps to keep their minds engaged.
  4. Send Mom + Dad out of sight – It’s true, kids are always testing their parents and you are most likely to get the shots you are hoping for if Mom and Dad are out of sight.
  5. Let them be kids – This one may seem to be frustrating, but kids are kids and if you are looking for the cutest candid shots, you will get them. Let them cover their eyes for the camera, try on your veil or stick their tongue out at their big brother (don’t tell Mom). We promise they will be some of your favorite memories!

Taking Pictures with Children Taking Pictures with Children Taking Pictures with Children


  • Sera Petras Photography

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