Save-the-Date Valentines

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

How was everyone’s Valentines Day? And Happy Chinese New Years to some of you as well! Anna sent over some images of her unique save-the-date valentines by Sincerely Yours Paper , which I knew I would absolutely have to share. I actually squealed when I saw them, so loud in fact that Jason wondered what the heck was wrong with me.  I love when save-the-dates are personalized and I have a soft spot for the playfulness of balloons in engagement shoots. Anna tells me that the ‘tulip louise’ image on the postage is actually a watercolour painting that her lovely fiance painted for her birthday a couple years ago…so sweet, these two are definitely a talented bunch!

Save-the-Date Valentines

Thanks for sharing Anna. Can’t wait to see what else you have in store for your wedding!

{credits: Design – Sincerely Yours Paper ; Photo – Meredith Mashburn Photography }

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