Introducing: Share The Love

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Introducing: Share The Love

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Esty . All my Get The Look posts for Wedding Obsession feature Etsy treasuries and my own blog is full of finds from the site. I make several purchases each month. You might say that I …

Introducing: Share The Love

image via Greenpix

Over the years, I’ve accumulated a massive list of faves and there are lots of items for our wedding that I plan to order from various Esty vendors. From now on, each month, I’ll be featuring a different artist.

Here’s the most exciting part; I’m going to
Introducing: Share The Love

with Wedding Obsession readers.

For weeks now, I’ve been coordinating behind the scenes with all of my favorite Etsy vendors to bring you guys with giveaways and coupon codes.

Stay tuned, there are lots of awesome items on the way.

Make sure you’re following Wedding Obsession here and on Twitter along with myself ,in order to catch the news each time a Share The Love feature goes live.

Good luck everyone!

- Krista

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