Latest Obsession: Neon Brights

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

It’s been a while since I’ve shared one of my “latest obsessions”. And for this one, I kind of struggled with sharing it because I undoubtedly fear this being labeled a post supporting the tacky 1980’s. But honestly, if you infuse neon in small doses without overwhelming the color scheme, it can be fresh, modern and absolutely FUN. Here are a couple things I’ve come across to show you how chic using neon brights can be.

What do you think about neon for weddings?

Latest Obsession: Neon BrightsLatest Obsession: Neon Brights

/ Image above: How awesome would this be for a wedding seating chart? Wrapping a large wooden frame with fushia string and attaching individual seating cards.

Latest Obsession: Neon Brights

// poster: oh so beautiful paper / eyeliner picture: oh lovely day / neon green striped invite: bella figura / dipped cutlery: ritzy bee / fushia string wrapped frame: cupcakes & cutlery / painted wooden blocks: cake events / fushia wedding invite: bella figura / neon orange bracelet: MCQ by Alexander McQueen @ revolveclothing* / neon glasses picture: tied bow inspiration / shoes: pinterest

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