Time To Have Your (Anonymous If You Like) Say!

07:14 Steampunk 0 Comments


Time To Have Your (Anonymous If You Like) Say!

Hello, hello, hello!

Well, hard as it is to believe, another year has flown by. Auld Lang Syne has been sung, pine needles have prickled tinsel-strewn feet at Christmas and it’s even time to turn the heating off in the green, choral land of Wales.

So you know what that means? It’s survey time!

For more than a decade, the arrival of summer meant the arrival of exams. Only this time it’s you guys who get to “grade” what I’ve been up to.

Here’s a lightening-fast survey that will take less than two minutes to complete but that will really help me make this blog as good as it can be. This helps you, dear reader, get more of what you want and prevents me from becoming a fresh-freesia-and-evian diva or (more likely) a stay-in-pyjamas-all-day-coffee-ridden “creative.”

So let’s get to it!

Anonymous? Oh yes.

All answers are completely confidential. I won’t know who you are (unless you decide to tell me) so you can be as honest as you like. If you only usually lurk around here, that’s fine by me. Now’s the time to chat away!

Right. Gulp.

Here we go.

(And if you can’t see the form just below these words then you can find it online here. )

And, of course, a MASSIVE thank you for your input. Cliched though it is to say this, it really does mean more to me than you will ever know.

Have a wonderful summer and all the best for the year ahead,

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