Survival Gear: How To Build a Survival Repair Kit

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Survival Gear: How To Build a Survival Repair Kit

There are countless different survival kit iterations out there, both on store shelves and assembled at home. Many of these kits include a few multi-use items—like needles, duct tape, and dental floss—that can be used for gear repair.

Since your gear can literally save your life if you run into trouble, why not take gear repair a little more seriously by building a dedicate repair kit within your survival kit?

9 Items For Gear Repair
Duct Tape: From patching holes in hydration bladders and canteens, to taping your boots back together, duct tape is a modern marvel that can repair or replace hundreds of camping, hunting, and survival items.

Floss and Thread: I keep dozens of yards of each in my repair kit. Floss is a strong fiber and ideal for a number of repairs, but sometimes a heavy sewing thread is a better match for stitching clothes, fabrics, and gear back together.

Needles: Since needles are so easily lost or broken, you need several of them in your repair kit. Stout canvas needles can be used on heavy, coarsely woven materials. Finer needles can be used for most everything else. Throw in a few glover’s needles for leather work, too.

Super Glue: A little one-ounce tube of super glue can get many items back in working order. Be sure to store it in its own plastic bag, in case it leaks.

Matches or Lighter:
While a repair kit is a great place to store a back-up fire starter, a small lighter or book of paper matches can also help you fix things by giving you the heat to melt ropes, webbing, and other plastic gear.

Buttons: Buttons might not seem like priority items, but have you ever tried hiking over unforgiving terrain and holding up your pants with one hand? Trust me, buttons are good.

Razor Blade:
These are handy in that they are small and lightweight and extremely sharp. Since repairs often involve cutting materials, a back-up blade can be a valuable asset.

Wire: A few feet of small-gauge steel wire could be used as a snare, but it can also be used for certain types of repairs, such as mending fishing equipment, flashlights, etc.

Safety Pins:
When there’s no time for stitching, a few safety pins might hold something together for a while longer.

Do you carry a repair kit in your gear? Let us know what’s in there by leaving us a comment below.

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