Charlie in the San Juans, Colorado – Climbing Redcloud Peak (14,034 ft)

16:15 Steampunk 0 Comments

Here’s a great tale from the trail! James Rogers of Denver, CO recently shared this hiking story of climbing Redcloud Peak with Charlie the German Short Haired Pointer. Redcloud Peak, located in the San Juan Mountains, is one of Colorado’s fifty three peaks over fourteen thousand feet. We hope you enjoy this tale and photos as much as we did.

Charlie in the San Juans, Colorado – Climbing Redcloud Peak (14,034 ft)

Coming back from Lake City, Colorado a few weeks ago and reviewing all of our photographs made us realize how wonderful a time my partner David and I had with our German Shorthair Pointer (GSP), Charlie. He’s four years old, adopted about 2 years ago. He’s been on several hikes, but we decided Lake City and the beautiful San Juan mountains would provide us with some heavy hiking and spectacular scenery.

Charlie’s a small GSP, but he’s very strong and eager and takes to his Ruffwear back pack like a pro. He carries his own food and water and has no problem hiking twice the length of the trail as we do. Back and forth, back and forth! Here he’s gone a bit ahead of us as we neared the top of Mt. Red Cloud, 14,034 ft., in the San Juans. Just a little bit more to go!

Charlie in the San Juans, Colorado – Climbing Redcloud Peak (14,034 ft)

When we got nearer to the top, Charlie was a bit hesitant, what’s around the corner, it looks pretty steep! Luckily I have my Ruffwear backpack to keep me grounded. There was very little wind and the temperature was great, not too hot. We did have to watch for storm clouds though.

I climbed. I meditated. I am dog!

Charlie in the San Juans, Colorado – Climbing Redcloud Peak (14,034 ft)

It took us 5 hours to climb the peak. It was well worth it for the view, the exercise and the freedom of the open skies. We were all sore the next day, but we will remember this trip for a very long time. Here Charlie is resting before we head down the mountain. I hope everyone who sees this will realize what a wonderful treasure we have in nature and the outdoors. Hope you all enjoyed coming along on our trip through the photos. Say hi to Mr. C, or Charlie if you see him on the trail!

Thanks again to James for sharing this story and for sharing your outdoor adventures with Charlie.

If you have a story to tell, please share by clicking here !

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