Barn Party, Instructor Reunion and The Millers

18:50 Steampunk 0 Comments

With everyone back from Montana, it seemed like a good time to head out to western Mass to do some boating and catch up with everyone.  Saturday night a bunch of us got together for a big barn party.  It was great to see everyone and kick off the season properly.  Unfortunately we didn’t get much rain so none of the creeks were running.  On Sunday, the Millers River was at a really fun level.  Tyler and I loaded up some boats and headed over.  For this trip, I paddled the Dagger Mamba.  This is a boat that I have been spending a lot of time in recently and I really like it.  The boat was fast and predictable and was a fun boat to paddle the Millers.  Tyler and I had a great run with lots of rock spins, fun moves, and some great surfs in the numerous holes and waves along the Millers.  It felt really good to get some time out on the water and reconnecting with everyone from Zoar Outdoor.  One of the highlights of the weekend was watching an eagle catch a fish from the Deerfield just after leaving Zoar Outdoor to head for the Millers.  It was a really amazing weekend with a lot of great friends.  I am definitely looking forward to getting some more days out on the water with everyone this season.

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