Bride Blogger Update: Gift Registry!
Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! I am sending out my apologies as we are one day off schedule but today we are hearing from Bride Blogger Marybeth …and it just makes me wish I could go register for all these fun goods!
With our move to San Diego quickly approaching, James and I have been packing and trying to complete as many items on our wedding to-do list as possible. Our wedding planner suggested we set up our registry prior to the big move.
During one of our first meetings with our planner, she gave us tips on registering and included a registry checklist. One great tip she gave us was to register at no more than three stores. Limiting the registry to three stores would be easier on us and our guests. Here are a few more of her tips:
• Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma store credits are interchangeable.
• Bed Bath & Beyond gives cash back for returned items.
• Bloomingdales is the most registry friendly department store with the best selection.
• Look into the registry completion options at stores – many offer discounts if you purchase any remaining items on you registry.
Armed with these tips and the registry checklist, James and I discussed the options and initially decided on registering at Bloomingdales, Williams-Sonoma and Crate & Barrel. On a Sunday afternoon we headed to Bloomingdales to start our first registry. After entering the store and browsing around I realized how unprepared we were. Yes, we had reviewed the tips and decided on our stores. However, we had not done any research or exploring of the options. Based on our first attempt to register, I have developed my own list of tips.
Tip 1: Discuss what items you want to register for ahead of time
Tip 2: Research all of your options. You may realize the store you thought you loved does not carry a large enough selection or cater to your tastes. Crate & Barrel was originally one of our top choices, but we later realized Pottery Barn has a much larger selection of most items.
Tip 3: Before setting up any appointments or beginning your registry, visit each of the selected stores and plan what items you want to register for. This will eliminate overlap and save you time in the long run.
Photos: Pottery Barn ; Pottery Barn ; Save the Date Events
Tip 4: Don’t rush! This is probably my biggest tip. Rushing will cause unnecessary stress and take the fun out of what could be one of the most enjoyable wedding planning events. Set aside a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and dedicate the day. Some stores even offer registry parties. Crate & Barrel offers “The Wedding Parties” events on Sunday mornings at select stores. During these events the store is closed to regular patrons. A C&B employee will guide you through the process while you and your guests sip on mimosas. Williams-Sonoma and Pottery Barn both offer similar events.
Tip 5: Realize you won’t agree on everything and be okay with it. Let’s face it, as much as we love our significant others, we may not always love their taste and that is okay. Be prepared to disagree, but avoid criticizing their choices. Instead, focus on the items you both like and will be happy with for years to come.
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