Bride Blogger Update: Details!

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Bride Blogger MaryAnne had updated us last on her “ big pieces .” Next up, it is all about the details…


I cannot believe our wedding is less than two weeks away!  As the March 12 approaches, we — and the bridal party — are in the midst of finalizing a detailed itinerary for the rehearsal day preceding the wedding, and of course, the wedding itself.  The detailed itinerary, much of which involves ensuring that the “little things” are in place, has led me to reflect on the details of the wedding.  Details can be troublesome; they usually need to be carried around, they often seem tiny in the grand scheme of things, and sometimes — perhaps it’s a borrowed item or a family heirloom — you have to take extra care to ensure they’re accounted for.  So what’s so great about details, anyway?

Details, as I exclaimed to my patient fiancé at one point in our planning process, ensure that your wedding is a *wedding* and not something resembling a random party or corporate conference. Details ensure that the wedding you’ve put so much time and effort into planning is actually recognizable and memorable to your guests as *your* wedding. Many of the details we’ve chosen to focus on have enabled us to place special emphasis on the importance of family in our lives. I encourage all brides-to-be to determine what important area in your lives could be shared with your guests through small but meaningful details, and go from there!

Our invitation suite illustrated our love for the beautiful city we now call home, but what about our hometowns? In addition to giving a nod to New York and Texas with signature cocktails, we’ve named each table after a favorite place — be it a bar or a monument — in our hometowns. At least one guest seated at each table will be able to share the story behind the table name with the other guests! To honor our parents and our childhood years, we created an escort table arrangement designed by one of my best friends: blossoming branches in hurricane vases that will display family photos of of us as children, and our parents’ weddings. Our parents even have a role in our attire for the big day! My mom made my veil by hand, and Chris selected a custom tuxedo that is identical to the one his father wore at his wedding.

Bride Blogger Update: Details! Credit: Flickr

The details aren’t simply aesthetic; they can also be delicious! Alongside a traditional wedding cake, we opted for cupcakes — a foodie trend I absolutely LOVE — baked by a dear friend who, luckily for us, is a pro. They’ll be in chocolate (my favorite) and carrot cake (Chris’s favorite). My favorite part of the carrot cupcakes is the candied carrot shavings that Adrienne places atop the cream cheese frosting. I’ve found the tiny-yet-amazing, innovative touches to be the most memorable aspects of special events!

Bride Blogger Update: Details! Credit: Veil via Wedding Bells Blog ; Dessert bar via Manolo Brides

It was our experience that some of the details will be ones you plan carefully in advance, especially if they are DIY projects designed to honor a significant part of your life, while other details will just fall into place. I couldn’t possibly have planned out — or even dreamed up — all the details we’ll enjoy at our wedding, but we’ve been open to others’ creative contributions, and we’ve devoted time to brainstorming by ourselves. The result? A big day, with small touches, that will be meaningful to everyone… Especially the two of us.

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