Everything Etiquette – Part I

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I am so excited to begin this etiquette series and we have received a variety of wonderful questions that I can’t wait to discuss.  I hope everyone has had wonderful week and enjoyed the beginning of SPRING!  Yes, I am declaring that it is now spring, even if it is slightly jumping the gun—the groundhog did not see his shadow!

Now let’s get back to one of the hardest parts of wedding planning: etiquette…..

“Do you have to invite your future mother-in-law to the bridal luncheon? Or include her on things you are treating your bridal to such as hair and makeup? If so do you have to pay for her as well?”

I strongly encourage all brides to invite their mother-in-law to their bridal luncheon and include her in as much as possible.  Just as much as she is becoming a part of your family, you are becoming a part of hers.

So, inviting her to the luncheon will only be a benefit to everyone involved! The relationship with your MIL is one that you will have and continue to develop for the rest of your life – your bridal luncheon is a great time for her to bond with you and the rest of your family and friends.

I also believe it would be extremely gracious and generous to include your MIL in hair and makeup.  It is another way to make her feel special and included in your special day. It’s important to keep such events consistent, so if you are paying for the rest of your group, you should treat her as well.

“Is it appropriate to put “and guest” on a save-the-date or should you only list people by name?”

Etiquette rules state that a guest should only be listed by name, rather than simply as “guest”, on a save-the-date or invite. Of course, this is not always possible…

For instance, if you are extending a “plus one” to all invitees, and do not know who the “plus one” might be at the time of the mailing, then you can write “and guest”.

Everything Etiquette – Part I Photo Credit: NJW Calligraphy

And, again although etiquette states that all guests who receive an invite should have received a save-the-date, the reality is that circumstances change and you might add additional invitees, change an invite based on relationship status, etc…Ultimately, we encourage you to do what feel right to you!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! Please continue to send us ANY etiquette question you have in mind- we love to hear from you!

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