5 days of hell

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Sooo….I found a new apartment! It’s actually back in the same complex I used to live in, which is actually pretty annoying cause their prices have gone way up (thanks to the economy improving!) so I’m moving back in and paying way more! Hindsight is always 20/20 I guess 🙂 I managed to sublet my other place in the Highlands, but it means that I have to pack it up, move into the new place, and write like 20 pages of papers all by this Friday. Oops. I don’t think I did the planning so well. YIKES!!!!!

The bright side is that I do have a light at the end of the tunnel…..cause we leave for Hut Trip 2K11 this Saturday!! This is the third year in a row we have all gone on a hut trip and I am so excited. We use the 10th Mountain Division huts and we always have a great time. We skinned into the Betty Bear hut the first year and that was definitely the toughest. Last year was Margy’s Hut which wasn’t too bad, and this year we are going to the Harry Gates hut. From all the trip reports I’ve read, it looks like it will be the easiest….but we’ve also been getting LOTS of snow. If we have to break a trail in, it will definitely be a lot tougher–but WAY MORE FUN!!

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