Snowy Winter Wedding

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Okay, so I will admit…I am excited for the month of December and can’t help but wish for a bit of snow…yes, even after last year’s epic blizzard, I want to see more this year!

Today’s wedding takes place at the United States Naval Academy in a beautiful winter wonderland.

The bride is a Maryland native and a graduate of George Mason University. The groom is from Hawaii and recently graduated from the United States Naval Academy after gaining fame as the quarterback of Navy’s football team over the last few years. It was fitting therefore that their wedding ceremony take place at the beautiful Naval Academy Chapel, followed by a reception nearby at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium.

Snowy Winter Wedding

Jennifer Cody, of egomedia photography , captured the incredible day!

Snowy Winter Wedding

Jennifer tell us,

“As the snow was falling heavily all day, and the best man was stuck in a ditch by the side of the road just two hours before the ceremony. Discover Annapolis trolleys sent their bravest drivers out and they successfully got the bride, groom, and guests to the ceremony and reception. It was truly impressive given the road conditions. Boots were the order of the day, as open toed shoes were not an option.

Inside the chapel, all was calm and quiet although the chapel coordinators had not been able to make it, the Pastor was there as were the professionals from Wedding Savvy . A lovely ceremony was followed by the traditional sword arch exit, when the Navy football coach took the initiative to try and shovel a path for the bride and groom, but they still pretty much ended up in a snow drift LOL. After taking family portraits inside (which I’m sure the Hawaiian relatives especially appreciated), we set off with Katie and Kaipo for some images outside. They were troopers and when I asked if they were too cold, Kaipo reminded me “I’m a Marine” -point taken.”

Snowy Winter Wedding

After photographs, guests headed to the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, upstairs to the flag bridge which provided a great view of the field in the swirling snow and the scoreboard which had been personalized with a photo of Katie and Kaipo. Amusingly, that photo showed the couple during a visit to sunny Hawaii…

Guests were welcomed by Bo Brooks catering, who had called in their own family members to fully staff the event. David from MyDeejay was there to provide music throughout the evening.

I just love the guest book and can honestly say that I never have seen anything like it — Kaipo’s Navy football helmet. Everyone was also asked to submit advice for the newlyweds on cards marked “We wish you”; “The Key to a Happy Marriage is…” and “Love Is”. After toasts and a traditional Hawaiian lei ceremony, the bride, groom, and their families enjoyed dinner and dancing.

Snowy Winter Wedding The fabulous vendor team:

Photography: egomedia photography

Ceremony: USNA chapel

Reception: Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium

Caterer: Bo Brooks Catering

Event Coordinator: Raquel Shutt at Wedding Savvy

Music: MyDeejay

Videography: Neil Benjers

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