Having Fun with Photobooths

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

In the past year photobooths have become a hot trend in the entire event world. For weddings, photobooths add entertainment, interaction, and such a FUN element to the night. OnomonoMEDIA is a top notch company that offers not only photobooths, but high tech projections and endless options that make your wedding completely unique. Hear more from Dave Clark of onomonoMEDIA…

What is the execution process for your services at an event?

All of our services are all inclusive pricing that we figure out working with the client’s budget and timeline. From the first point of contact, we, as a team, communicate with the client to find as closely as we can the goals and objectives for the event at hand.

From there we keep a dialogue open about how things are moving along. If we have a logo or other things to design, we send several comps for approval until we get it right. When the event date hits, we show up as early as is convenient for the client, with an attendant (who is a hospitality expert and fully trained technician), and we don’t leave until the client clears us to go.

Every client gets a CD or flash drive of his or her pictures and an online web gallery that stays up at least 60 days, but we usually never take them down if we have the space. After the event, we always try to keep in touch about how well we performed our services and keep ourselves up to date on what is working and what isn’t.

Having Fun with Photobooths

What details can you add to your services that really customize each event for your clients? Can you give us some examples?

We have on-hand technologists who can code, construct and idealize creative technology and programs. This gives us an extinct advantage because instead of showing our clients a list of options from which to pick their package, we ask them what they want and let them figure out how our product should work for them.

The photobooth is really just the building block for everything else. Clients can even change most of the way our photobooth works: The screen graphics, the logos on the printouts, the layout of the print outs, the curtain colors, etc. We also offer extensive projection packages and do very custom installations in store fronts and as marketing tools. Anything in the realm of digital media is something we do.

For example, we worked for the Best of Washington 2010 party. We had a large projection scrolling live through the pictures the booth was taking and a separate setup with several plasma displays scrolling through a series of sponsor logos and live pictures being taken by a photographer at the event.

Having Fun with Photobooths

What abilities do you and your team possess that set you apart from other similar companies?

I feel I’ve answered this one with spades. I think what sets us apart is that we don’t say, “No.” We like to say that we don’t put our clients in a box; we put them in control.  You do not see any cookie cutter “packages” with us.  Each event is custom, personal, and one of a kind.

Are there any special features or media ideas that you wish to implement in the near future?

We have been working on different types of booths that look and work in different ways for different types of events.  We have a vintage inspired photo booth that we built that has that elegant, nostalgic charm but we also are building a contemporary machine with a super modern and clean design.  We also want to use video and sound in a bigger way; we don’t feel photobooths should be limited to still life. We actually don’t believe there are limits period.

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