Dancing at the Movies

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Sigh. I know. I’ve disappeared again, but you can definitely blame it on my profs at school. This week has been insane and I must say that I know the Front Range Community College library far better than I ever have. . . I’m also sad to say that I’ve researched which libraries are open tonight (Yes, Friday!) and unfortunately, it looks like tonight is a Starbucks night! How sad is it that I have to plan my Friday around where I can get my studying in?!

Anyway, a friend posted this video on facebook and I love it. As many know, I grew up dancing–in studios, in high school, competitively, in college, and then professionally after college, as well as taught for a few years. I left the world of dance for triathlons and other fun activities, but I definitely miss it from time to time…..especially when I see this video!!

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