Bride Blogger Kerry’s “Lingerie at Brunch” Bridal Shower

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Bride Blogger Kerry is getting closer and closer to her big day! Recently, her friends sprinkled her with a bit of wedding love…


I’m the luckiest girl in the world: not only am I marrying an amazing guy, but I have fabulous friends as well. My maid of honor Sarah and my bridesman Kevin threw me a lingerie bridal shower and I could not have had more fun.

Bride Blogger Kerry’s “Lingerie at Brunch” Bridal Shower

It was a Sunday, late-morning soiree complete with brunch food, mimosas, bloody marys, and an amazing chocolate-wrapped cake made by my friend Amy. I also tried out a new recipe for the event— peanut butter maple bacon fudge . Delicious…and perfect for fall!

And of course, what’s a bridal shower without a few games? First up was “How well do you know your fiancé?” in which Sarah asked me questions about Chris. She had asked him for the answers ahead of time and printed them so all the guests could follow along. For each correct answer, she put a Hawaiian lei around my head (symbolic of our honeymoon destination). There were a few tricky questions, but overall I knew my fiancé pretty well and ended up with a neck full of leis.

One game idea I had read about was Scattergories with a bridal twist! We came up with a list of categories that had to do with weddings (e.g., items Kerry will need on her wedding day, places to go on a honeymoon.) Then we took the letters of the word “BRIDE” and put them at the top of the game card. The game was a huge hit! The responses ranged from hysterical to sweet and sentimental.

Bride Blogger Kerry’s “Lingerie at Brunch” Bridal Shower

After the games, it was time to open presents! Since it was a lingerie shower, Sarah decided to display my gifts in a unique way. She tied a clothesline between two chairs and Kevin would pin each new gift onto the clothesline. After opening twenty gifts, I had quite the line of sexy new things. It was a great way to take a photo of all my gifts in one shot…and the looks on the faces of passersby were hilarious!

It was such a fun party and I’m eternally grateful for my friends who hosted it and my friends and family who came. I’ll never forget standing in the middle of this group of ladies from so many different areas of my life (friends from high school, aunts, coworkers, future inlaws.) Now I can’t wait to feel the same feeling at our wedding, when Chris and I are surrounded by the 130 people most special to us.

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