Life’s a blur!

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I will report that we made it back from the hut trip safe and sound with lots of stories and pictures to share. Sadly, the pics are all on my laptop and since I am housesitting for my parents while they gallavant around the pyramids, I don’t have them. Next time! Seriously though, it was great and the hut was beautiful. The “death march” in was not as bad as last year’s simply because the elevation gain was at the beginning. Some of us zoomed right up and other’s struggled a bit more, but in the end, everyone made it alive….bonus! Angel and I took off on the second day to do some touring and skinned up to the top of a really pretty mountain for a great view. Unfortunately, after coming down from the aforementioned mountain, we realized that she had entirely lost a skin from her right ski. How, you ask, without noticing? Not really sure but she definitely was not able to skin back up to look for it! I took off on reconaissance, and sure as shit, found the damn skin at the absolute highest point we had been……just laying in the snow, waiting for me 🙂 The ski down was fantastic and was essentially a 7 mile, 3000 foot drop. Bottom line: it rocked! Already planning Hut Trip 3: 2k11. Should be epic!

Spent the past two days up at WP teaching and I have to admit that I am exhausted!! Worked with my usual student yesterday and then Brad and I headed over to Breck for some dinner and to check out the snow sculpture contest that is going on. Those things are amazing–have you ever seen 20 tons of snow/ice turned into a menagerie of wildlife? Cause that’s what the Chinese team was doing! It was also great cause we were walking down Main Street and some guy came up and asked me if I really am a volunteer for NSCD (I had my jacket on from teaching still). I said that I was, and he said that he appreciated everything I do for the kids so he invited Brad and I to his winery/wine tasting night and the first round of drinks was on him. It was super nice and totally unnecessary but it made me smile! Needless to say, we didn’t get home till way late and I had to get up at 5am again to head back up to teach so I was a little cranky….but it was beautiful today, the sun was shining, and I had an awesome student who is quickly moving to Blue-Black runs so it turned into a great day!

Guess what else? 13 DAYS UNTIL I LEAVE FOR EGYPT!!!!!

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