My Decade in Review

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

At the close of every year, different feelings roll through me as I watch the days tick by and the calendar year wind to a close. Of course, with the next few weeks wrapping up the end of a decade, search engines and news sources are chronicling the “top events” of the past 10 years . When I read that, I realized that ten years can go so fast! Where has the decade gone?

So, in light of the close of the first decade of the 21st century, I decided (in complete random order!) to highlight MY OWN top ten of the decade. Some of the events are happily remembered, others are just important to the direction my life has taken. Regardless, the following all stand out in my memories of the years 2000-2009. Enjoy!

1. My first puppy! For those that know me well, you probably aren’t surprised that Tals cracked the top ten 🙂 I purchased Tally as an immediate result to a bad breakup and there could never have been a better cure! I’ve had her for almost 4 years now and she goes everywhere with me from my friends’ homes to backpacking in the San Juans to snowshoeing in Nederland. There is no better company on a rough day than her crazy little eyes and wiggling little butt!

2. Biking Across the U.S. This is still probably my favorite thing that I have ever done. We stayed domestic but the culture shock I received while exploring parts of my own backyard was definitely memorable. What did I learn? Southern hospitality is a complete myth while mid-western hospitality is fact. People in Kansas are the friendliest in the country but damn does that state get some brutal weather! There are some sick people out there but the kindness of strangers always prevails in the end. Never roll your bike through a field of sunflowers, regardless of the beauty because the flats will piss you off for days. Always remember to tighten your brake pads on the rim instead of the tire–you’ll definitely only make that mistake once. A tent can be a happy home if you let it, and you really only need one pair of clothes. Semi-drivers can be your friends. The best BBQ is in Arkansas–just ask Bill Clinton. Your body is capable of so much more than you realize. Little Debbie’s are the best sustenance for extensive calorie burning. There is so much to see out there!

3. South America Again, it is no surprise that my year in South and Central America appears but it truly was an experience. I perfected my fluent Spanish (which is quickly disappearing!) and realized that Americans really are lucky, regardless of their financial state. I learned to live out of a backpack and love it while exploring some sights that I never thought I would see. Machu Picchu was as incredible as I had hoped, but other less notable wonders like the Colca Canyon and the Torres del Paine trek still stand out in my memories. Scuba diving became a favorite hobby and I realized that people from Colombia are actually really friendly! Note to any future travellers: you will always, ALWAYS get sick in Bolivia, no matter how strong your stomach is!

4. Graduating from CU There was never any doubt I would go to college, but graduating was important since it opened the door to everything I have done in the past five years. I developed my love of the outdoors while at CU–cause after all, it IS Boulder!–and got involved in all of my climbing, biking, backpacking, and mountaineering. I met so many of my closest friends while receiving a degree that I will probably never use again!

5. Studying Abroad in Spain I spent the Fall of 2002 in Alicante, Spain on a random whim after I had abruptly decided that I wanted to live in another country for a bit. I chose Spain based on my minimal high school Spanish and was placed with the kindest host family I could have ever asked for. Of course, I met some great lifelong friends and learned a lot of Spanish, but the lasting effect of Alicante was the travel bug I received as a direct result. I had only been to Mexico and Canada before this time, so Alicante was my first REAL abroad experience. Fortunately (or unfortunately!), I became addicted and my travelling addiction was born. Gracias, Alicante!

6. Moving to Steamboat Springs, Colorado A random decision that turned out great! I realized that I don’t love cities and that I really want to live in mountain towns forever. I spent some time as a ski instructor and a middle school teacher which were both career moves that helped me determine my future path. And c’mon, is there any town that is more beautiful in the summer that Steamboat?!

7. Starting graduate school at Regis University It’s been a year since I went back to grad school, and although I swear and complain about it on a weekly basis, I am pretty excited to be back in the academic arena. I’ve always been a school nerd and I love learning. I chose to get my Masters in Education with a Special Ed licensure, but ideally, I’d like to end up in the outdoor ed. field for disabled kids. Its a far cry from my undergrad degree in Journalism but I’m happy where I’m at!

8. Realizing I am not invincible I’ve always been the type of person that packs a lot into a short time. I usually have a surplus of activites and a strict schedule in order to get everything accomplished. I like things this way and I typically thrive in that style of environment. However, until recently, I’ve never truly grasped my own humanity. I’m not saying that I thought I was Superwoman but I’ve always just believed I could do it all without any consequences to my mental sanity or my physical health. I had a few reminders this month that I am human, things can happen, and we all are mortal. It was a good reality check for me 🙂

9. Learning to live alone Weird item to add to my top ten, I know, but it was an awesome revelation for me. I had roommates all through undergrad, all through my time in Steamboat, and then immediately after I returned to the Denver metro area. After awhile I decided that I needed to live alone to see what it was like, and I have to admit that I don’t think I will ever go back! Its such a good way to learn about yourself (and your dog!) and to have the personal space that everyone requires.

10. I am happy There have been a lot of ups and downs over the past 10 years. I’ve experienced some pretty unhappy endings to close relationships and some very unfortunate endings to seemingly happy lives. I’ve struggled with what I want and expect from myself and I’ve spent numerous hours questioning who I should be and where…and why. However, having said that, I still am a happy person and feel so lucky to have the life that I have. My dad says I have an uncanny ability to be the ultimate optimist and he frequently tells me that I have the best outlook on life. I love that I can be positive and appreciate daily all of the good things in my life. I love that I am happy.

Happy 2010 Everyone!

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