
16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Seriously, I am pretty ready for 2009 to be done….just get out of here cause as of late, it has not been that great. I’m not much for whining but I have to admit that I have been finding the past week or two pretty tough to get through. For those who know me, you all know that I have a surgery coming up that I am absolutely dreading. A recent death made the Thanksgiving week fairly tough and I am just glad that the year is coming to a close. If bad things happen in threes, than I think I am about good on my quota!

On a completely different subject, does anyone remember the movie Grandpa’s Magical Toys? Probably not cause my sister barely remembers it, but she and I used to rent it from the public library ALL THE TIME when we were little girls. I thought of it the other day and googled it and actually found links to it on YouTube. Seriously, watch this clip … kinda makes me wonder what the hell we were thinking as kids! This is seriously CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!

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