Busy busy busy!

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

It was brought to my attention the other day that I haven’t really “written” anything on here in awhile…and its true. Lots of quick posts and links and videos that I find amusing, but nothing substantial….and apparently my (few) friends who stalk me on here would like an update! So here goes….

Life is busy!! I guess it always is but the past few months have literally been ridiculous. I can’t imagine adding one more component or else I could explode! Luckily things are winding down now so it gives me time to relax. And what have I been busy with? August was nuts–we had all of Angel’s wedding-related parties plus the Tri for the Cure and the Steamboat Tri (which ended up not happening for me but I digress….), a few trips to the doctor for various aches and ailments followed by a subsequent few weeks spent in a foot brace and on the couch with strict orders not to run. For me, the no running thing was brutal. For my dog, it was even worse. Luckily we both made it through that okay! 🙂

September rolled around and was jumpstarted by a billion trips to the bridal store for multiple alterations on my bridesmaid dress. Of course, I also decided the beginning of the month was a perfect time to move into a new apartment which I am still trying to organize. Maybe my timing was off on that one….hmmm. I then zoomed off to Mexico for Angel and Adrian’s wedding and it was awesome. I posted a few pictures awhile back but they definitely don’t do it justice. The resort was amazing and we had beautiful weather. Angel looked gorgeous and was definitely one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen. Being an all-inclusive, lots of drinking ensued, followed by general merriment. And of course, since I was with the Montgomery (and Drelles!) family, the name of the game quickly became “which family member can we set Heather up with.” They all really enjoyed that because (as Karen explained for me), “Heather, we want you to be a real part of our family!” :)Definitely an awesome wedding!!

Aside from all of that, work is the usual crazy, and I have actually been helping a friend get into shape so she can compete in her first-ever triathlon with me next summer. She has never participated in anything like that, but I was telling her about the Tri for the Cure so she set a goal for herself. She says she wants me to be her “mini-Jillian”, and sans the puking of course, I think I am doing a pretty good job! I have actually been trying to whip myself back into some semblance of shape again as well. After I took those few weeks off from running, I kinda felt like I atrophied or something! Seriously! I’ve started going back to RRF on Saturdays at Red Rocks, as well as getting some runs and weights in. I’d like to get back into spinning classes as well, but we’ll see….after all, I don’t want to get over zealous since SKI SEASON IS HERE!!

Yes, that’s right…hooray! I am so pumped for ski season! I saw the new Matchstick film on opening night and it was awesome and got me totally pumped. Got a new jacket and pants this season as well as some bindings on my park skis so I am rearing to go! I have my orientation up at Winter Park in a few weekends and I am very excited for that. Since I don’t work in the winters, I volunteered to be a ski instructor for mental health patients every Friday. It works well for my M.Ed degree, but I also think it will be really enjoyable. And even better…..drumroll please……is the 2nd Annual Hut Trip!!! We booked an entire hut this year so we don’t have to share with random people, so 16 of us will be trekking our way into the wilderness at the end of January. Very psyched for this cause last year’s was awesome. Obviously, this is a very different group of people than went last year but we still have some returners (Me, Angel, Price, Bennett!) as well as lots of “new kids.” Angel and I taking bets on which one of them will cry first when they realize what a bitch it is to get into those damn huts! 🙂

Ummm…..I guess that sums up my busy life in a teeny-tiny nutshell. With the new semester starting in a week and a trip to Oregon to visit my sister next weekend, I am sure I will have more “real stuff” to share soon!

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