Sweet Carnival Engagement

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Oh humpday! Ok, so I’m in a pretty great mood right now and this next e-session probably had something to do with it. The always sweet Julie from Julie C Butler Photography sent over this adorable carnival themed shoot and I love it! Krista & Ryan chose the fair because it was the location of one of their first dates. Krista also co-owns Wishtree Invitations , a wedding invitation company in Ottawa so I can’t wait to see what she creates for her own special day.

Sweet Carnival Engagement

Shares Krista: “Ryan and I met through mutual friends. He’d plan really fun outings, and some amazing full-day events. And every time we’d hang out, we’d be getting a little bit closer. So it was no surprise when we ended up at a random rinky-dink fair and he grabbed my hand on a scary ride. (think The Zipper, but with only two cages and a tractor motor) It was then that I started to clue in that we weren’t ‘just friends’. And it wasn’t long after that we both realized we were meant to last.”

Sweet Carnival EngagementSweet Carnival EngagementSweet Carnival EngagementSweet Carnival EngagementSweet Carnival Engagement
“Our wedding’s going to play off our fun side, but still maintain a traditional feel. Greys, purples, black and white are our colours, which will be brought through in an old-world carnival style. We’re thinking giant balloons, stripes, a popcorn machine and lots of DIY. We want our wedding to be classy, and keep the seriousness of this sacrament, but still bring out our style in a super fun way.

Can’t wait to see it!

{Images courtesy Julie C Butler Photography }

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