Reader Question: Bouquets

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I thought I’d share with you a recent reader question and answer! Jessi had a question about one of the bouquets from Shannon & Nate ‘s vintage wedding…

I was just on the Wedding Obsession website,on the Real Wedding:Shannon & Nate page. I couldn’t help but fall totally in love with the unique boquets in one of the photos. I am currently planning my own wedding and have still been looking for that perfect bouquet. Well, if possible, I would love to duplicate those bouquets. However, I have no idea what kind of flowers they are. I think I noticed Calla Lillies in there, but it’s hard to tell from the pics.

Reader Question: Bouquets

Rosella from Studio Bloom in Edmonton says:

Shannon’s bouquet is a combination of the large white calla lilies and a mini calla called Schwartz, along with Peacock feathers. The Bridesmaid’s bouquets are just Schwartz callas and have Pheasant feathers rather than the Peacock feathers.

Hope that helps, Jessi! Thanks Rosella :]

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