Coral & Creme Vintage Inspired Florals

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Jennifer, our resident floral expert, joins us this month as a guest blogger to share the florals she created for her close friend. Enjoy!

I hope all had a restful yet eventful summer! We were sure busy with weddings. We designed many, and were lucky enough to attend a beautiful wedding in Moncton, NB! Not only did we go to this wedding, we were invited to this exciting event.

When I found out that my friend Gillian was getting married, I couldn’t be more excited. Getting the text from her fiancé that he had purchased the ring was so exciting. The hard part was keeping my excitement toned down, in order that Gillian didn’t find out. Man…if you know me, that’s hard!

Fast forward a few months to the planning stage, and that’s where I came in. We had discussed a few times what it was that she liked, but we never really sat down and ironed out the details until a couple of weeks before the big date. This, readers, is NOT something I suggest doing. It limits availability of flower choices as many are pre-booked with the growers. With the flower choices Gillian had (roses), we knew we’d be okay.

Gillian loves roses. She also loves coral, which was a big part of her wedding. After looking at all her choices for bouquet styles and floral varieties. Gillian simply wanted the elegant timeless look of a solid rose bouquet. Initially, Gillian wanted the crèmes and corals, which she ultimately had in her bouquet; however, she also wanted green mini hydrangea. This was ordered but was never received. This is a perfect example of why your flowers need to be ordered well in advance. But, even without the hydrangea, her bouquet was exactly what she wanted!

Coral & Creme Vintage Inspired Florals

Coral & Creme Vintage Inspired Florals

The theme of the wedding was country vintage. It was EXACTLY that. I have to give props to the bride’s mother, Gwen, for really getting down to the grind and creating ALL the décor; either by herself, or with the help of friends and family. From some of the photos you will be able to see the table linens. These were not rented. No. They were hand sewn by Gwen herself. Gwen’s intention was to fashion them in a way that they could be converted into quilts later on and gifted, or kept as a memory of Gillian & Michael’s special day.

To keep with the theme in the flowers, I ensured that the corsages and boutonnieres were not too modern, but had a touch of the vintage feel. I prefer to use orchids in my body flower work. Although delicate, they do outlast roses on a hot summer day.

Coral & Creme Vintage Inspired Florals

Finally, being a florist once herself, Gwen came up with the initial centerpiece concept. She handpicked all the hydrangea from the golf course grounds (you see, she can do that being that her husband is co-owner of the club), and started creating a hydrangea and rose based arrangement in the vintage-inspired tin vases and pitchers she had acquired in the year leading up to the event. Because the wholesaler had sent us so many orchids (in place of the hydrangea), we decided to utilize them on the branches above the hydrangea and roses.

Coral & Creme Vintage Inspired Florals

Overall, it was a great event, with some attendees from here in Alberta, some from Ontario…and most being from the East Coast.

Coral & Creme Vintage Inspired Florals

I can’t say enough how excited I was for Gil to ask me to do her flowers. But I was more honoured to have been asked to join in the celebration of Gillian and Mike’s love for one another.

And yes, if Gil looks a bit familiar, it’s probably because you have seen her on billboards around the city! I’ll leave you to guessing ….


Photo Credits: Trisha Robicheau (Photos by Trish) , Jennifer Pederson
Florals: Akiko Floral Artistry ; Jennifer Pederson Signature Florist
Venue: Royal Oaks Golf Club

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