Tea bag favours and less than 1 month until the big day!

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Tea bag favours and less than 1 month until the big day!

I can’t believe that the wedding is less than one month away! I spent almost my entire evening packaging favours for the big day.

Stephen and I are both big tea drinkers – in fact, it was one of the first things we bonded over. So it just made sense that we would give out tea for our wedding favours.

I bought 80 little plastic bags from the dollar store, cut up fancy paper my friend Karen gave to me after her wedding, stuffed the tea bag in, and finished it off with a staple.

The result? Not too shabby! See for yourself:

My dress is being altered and will be ready next Sunday. Our rehearsal dinner date is determined. My bachelorette party and bridal shower plans are under way. I’ve booked 2 facials and a mani-pedi.

I am excited for the big day, but I also have a weird feeling as well – I can’t wait for it to be over! I’ve spent a year and 9 months planning this day, I’m starting getting sick of talking, planning, and thinking about it. Let’s get married already!

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