Bowtech Insanity CPX Buck-Scoring Contest, Round 3

01:55 Steampunk 0 Comments

Bowtech Insanity CPX Buck-Scoring Contest, Round 3

Okay people, here is the third buck in our scoring contest. I’ll say again that you are playing for a brand new Bowtech Insanity CPX compound bow , the company’s flagship model for 2012.

If you are joining us late, here’s what is going on: I have now posted three of four bucks photos. (Click here if you missed the first one , here for the second one .) I will post the fourth and last buck next week. Your job is to guess the gross B&C score of each and keep track of your guesses. Fractionals will count. When I post the final buck, I’ll ask you for your grand total. Whoever is closest wins the bow*. If there is a tie, we will have a tiebreaker buck.

(Many of you have read the following appeal before, but I like to pop it in here once in a while for newcomers: While I’m making every effort to choose bucks that have not be publicized, word does tend to get out about big whitetails. If you happen to know the score of the buck pictured, there isn’t much I can do except ask you keep it to yourself. Kindly don’t post your proof and ruin the fun for everyone else.)

Here’s your third buck. What do you think it scores?

Bowtech Insanity CPX Buck-Scoring Contest, Round 3

*You must be 14 or older to play; if you are under 18, we need a parent’s consent to ship the bow.


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