Win Our Biggest Caption Contest Prize Package Ever From Cabelas!

00:07 Steampunk 0 Comments

It’s Cabela’s 50th Anniversary , and when I called over there yesterday begging for a hat to put up as a prize for our next caption contest, I think I may have caught the boys celebrating during office hours. Basically they said: Hat, shmat! Why not give them a real prize, like a classic painting of some whitetails or a rifle case? Oh what the heck, give them some hats, too.

Win Our Biggest Caption Contest Prize Package Ever From Cabelas!

So I said, “Cheers, boys!” and as a result, for the next three contests, you will be playing for our biggest caption-related prize packages ever. Just one thing: When the celebrating is over and we go back to giving away just hats, I don’t want to hear any crying.

Seriously, the story of how Dick and Jim Cabela turned a classified ad for five hand-tied flies into a global catalog and retail giant is the American Dream incarnate, not to mention an enormous accomplishment well worth celebrating. So who wants to celebrate by hanging this Cabela’s 50th Anniversary framed, signed, and numbered Hayden Lambson Wildlife Print in his den?

Win Our Biggest Caption Contest Prize Package Ever From Cabelas!

All you have to do write the best caption (as chosen by us) for the photo below (provided by Minnesota hunter Josh Swenson). The 10 runners-up will each get a Cabela’s 50th Anniversary hat.

Win Our Biggest Caption Contest Prize Package Ever From Cabelas!

Okay, have at it.


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