meet our ambassadors – dean and whisper

21:17 Steampunk 0 Comments

Ruff Wear Ambassadors don’t just know the outdoors, they know dogs. Embodying the Ruff Wear culture, they live each day to experience the outdoors with their dogs.  Our Ambassadors inspire and challenge us every day to develop gear that meets the needs in the most demanding conditions. We know if we develop gear that works for them, it will work for you too!

Dean and Whisper– Ruff Wear Ambassadors pushing the boundaries of what’s possible through their dedicated passion for the outdoor lifestyle.

meet our ambassadors – dean and whisper

Dean Potter follows his intense desire for adventure and freedom through climbing, highlining, and human-body flying (BASE-jumping).

meet our ambassadors – dean and whisper

Whisper is a ‘Mini-Cattle dog’. She works as Dean’s Service Animal. In addition to her unconditional love she assists Dean with his partial loss of hearing by alerting him to noises he can’t sense. Whisper was born in Oklahoma on March 31, 2010. She is now full grown and weighs 21 pounds. The little Heeler accompanies Dean most everywhere he goes and seldom leaves his side.

Together, Whisper and Dean have already climbed many of Yosemite’s peaks and rock formations, surfed breaks along the West Coast and crossed exposed highline gaps.  Whisper does not like being left behind while Dean is off flying. Whisper and Dean plan to tandem BASE-jump and wingsuit fly together. They hope to keep finding new ways of becoming closer to nature while pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Dean and Whisper inspire us. Over the next few weeks we’re excited to share some of their adventures together. What inspires you?

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