Candy & Jaycee (Part III)

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Candy & Jaycee’s reception was held at Patio Victoria, located in the old Spanish city, Intramuros in Manila. It was this venue, along with the church (part II) that solidified her decision to choose a vintage, romantic theme.

At the reception venue, lights were wrapped and hung from the branches of a large tree, creating a truly ethereal atmosphere. In my experience, this is perhaps one of the most beautiful receptions I have ever seen.

Candy & Jaycee (Part III)

The old fashioned ice cream cart was just another detail that helped to carry out the vintage theme Candy had envisioned.

Candy’s many Do-it-yourself items for a personal touch:

Candy & Jaycee (Part III)

Candy & Jaycee (Part III)

Candy & Jaycee (Part III)

Some words of advice from Candy to all the brides-to-be:

Savour every moment of their wedding day.. it’s true what they say that it just goes by so fast! You really won’t remember much.. so, thankfully there are these wedding photos that you can always look at =)
Also.. trust your vendors.. they know what they’re doing.. after all, you hire them for a reason.. so trusting them is just fair enough!

Congrats on your wedding Candy & Jaycee and thanks for taking the time to share your day with us. Best wishes to you in the future.

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