Swamp Cooler Explored

10:02 Steampunk 0 Comments

During the heat of summer, sometimes it feels like there’s no escape from the sun – especially if you’re wearing a furry coat! As a result, many dogs spend the hottest hours of the day seeking shade and sleeping in the coolest place they can find – hidden among shrubbery, under a table, in the basement of the house, or under a tree.

Swamp Cooler Explored

But sleeping through the day isn’t always an option when we’re out on the trail with our best furry friends, and shade isn’t always available to provide the sun protection dogs need. That’s why Ruffwear designed the Swamp Cooler™ ! This cooling vest not only cools dogs, but it also reflects the sun, providing the added effect of shade.

Swamp Cooler Explored

So, how does the Swamp Cooler work? It’s pretty simple. The Swamp Cooler uses natural evaporative cooling. When you step out of a swimming pool or lake, you feel cooler as your skin hits the air. If there’s a breeze, the cooling happens even faster. This is evaporative cooling! It also occurs through perspiration. When sweat evaporates, we cool down. As we move around, the air flow cools us down even quicker.

Swamp Cooler Explored

The Swamp Cooler jacket works the same way. It’s built with three layers: a wicking outer layer that facilitates evaporation (and also reflects sunlight for additional shade), an absorbent middle layer that holds water for evaporation, and a comfortable inner layer that transfers the cooling effect to your dog. To activate the Swamp Cooler, soak it in cold water and wring it out before fastening it on your dog. As the water evaporates from the coat, the heat around your dog is exchanged for cooler air. Continue sprinkling water on the Swamp Cooler as needed to extend the cooling effect throughout your adventures.

Swamp Cooler Explored

Try it out and watch your dog blaze the trail on summer’s hottest days! Check out the Swamp Cooler on our website.

Swamp Cooler Explored

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