Bride Blogger Update: Picking The Date

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I hope that you all enjoyed your July 4th!  Despite the extra day, this past weekend flew by for me with a huge fabulous wedding and a bit of time with family and friends! Wow, the D.C. fireworks were quite the show – loved them!

Today, Marybeth returns to tell us about how she picked another long weekend for her big day!


I realize it is a bit funny to write a post about picking our date when I have already revealed our wedding date of May 26th.  However, this weekend was a long, wonderful holiday weekend so I find it fitting to discuss our wedding date since it is during Memorial Day weekend next year.  Once James and I had decided we wanted to get married in DC we started thinking about dates.  We knew we wanted a spring wedding and preferred either April or May.

My first thought about April was what every DC area resident thinks about in April – avoid the Cherry Blossom Festival!  Yes, our wedding photos would be beautiful with cherry blossoms in the background, but the weekend would be hell for our guests, especially the out-of-towners.  So to Google I went and typed in Cherry Blossom Festival 2012 – and brace yourself DC’ers – next year is the centennial celebration and it lasts 5 weeks!  With all of April eliminated, May it was.

Once we had the month narrowed down we figured when we found our venue only a few May dates would be available and that would help us narrow it down.  We were wrong, since we were planning over a year out; we had our pick of any date in May.

Looking at May we started thinking about Memorial Day.  We already knew we wouldn’t take our honeymoon until August due to James’s hectic summer work schedule, and we both thought it be nice to have an extra day off around the wedding.  This idea sounded fantastic to us, but we were unsure how our guests would feel about it.

I know everyone says pick the date you want, but what fun is a wedding if no one comes to celebrate with you?  Before making our final decision we decided to do a quick poll, I asked my coworkers (since it was a diverse group of male, female and different ages), James and I checked in with a few friends and of course family members.  After asking everyone we realized the long weekend was perfect for us.

We would still do the wedding on Saturday, so everyone coming from out of town would have either an extra day to spend enjoying the city, or a day to recoup when they got home.  Most importantly, James and I would have one more to celebrate and relax before heading back to the grind.

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