Up on a soapbox

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I’m on a soapbox. But that’s ok cause its my blog and I’m allowed to be! Obviously, there is a lot of chaos lately about Obama and his healthcare reform plan. And clearly, people are totally up-in-arms on both sides. Coming from the side of someone who works full time and goes to grad school fulltime but still cannot afford insurance and has definitely needed it in the past, you can imagine which side I am on. But rather than go into that aspect of it, there are two other things that I think are far more effective in their message than I could ever be. First of all, read this article. Yes, I am biased because the Abby in the article is my roommate from freshman year in college and her situation obviously hits very close to home for me. I know how hard she has worked since college and to deal with the situation that she currently has is complete bullshit. So read the article!

And when you are done reading the article, watch this video…..cause its good 🙂

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