Modern Art.

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I’ve got the ‘modern’ bug again and I spent the last hour (aside from watching the olympics) researching past decor at various other gallery-type venues. I absolutely adore the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago . It’s similar to the venue I’ve chosen in that it’s a long rectangular shaped room with high ceilings and white walls, so it proved to be a great model of inspiration. Check out some of the images I pulled from the MCA’s website. I’m now realizing how color and lighting play such a big role in creating the space.

Modern Art.
Here’s another wedding that I particularly fell in love with a while back, captured by Olivia Leigh Photography (as seen in Elizabeth Anne Designs ).

And last but not least, this recent wedding posted by The Brides Cafe (one of my fave wedding blogs). The art on the wall really complement the space. Gosh, my love for grey just got stronger! Images by Emily Johnston Anderson

Modern Art.


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